
“When the tip of the brush touched the canvas it happened again. The world around him disappeared, and the tiny little point, and then a little line, with a certain little curve to it, became all there was, magnified by tenfolds in size and intensity, and carving out a broad strip of red in his mind as well. Then the other colors started to appear and dance around in his imagination, in a big space filled with whirling images in the edges, and a joyful emotion of change, and of presence. He kept going and soon the whole canvas was filled with a calm surface of colors, and with a clear expression of joy, relief, optimism and happiness. “

8 thoughts on “Painting..

  1. It might be me but after the rather lively preceding phrasing and then to conclude with ‘calming’ sort of jarred a little:

    “Then the other colors started to appear and dance around in his imagination, in a big space filled with whirling images in the edges, and a joyful emotion of change, and of presence. He kept going and soon the whole canvas was filled with a calm surface of colors, and with a clear expression of joy, relief, optimism and happiness. β€œ

    You are a very fine writer.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! I do see what you mean – the point should in part be the contrast of the lively activity in his mind when switching into a creative and colorful mode, which can be experienced as intense, and then afterwards when the brain “cools down”, seeing or discovering the result as a more harmonious and balanced and emotionally measured work.

      Perhaps a bit indicating the sometimes unpredictable difference between the experience of making something, and then seeing/reading/experiencing it afterwards.

      But anyways,
      thanks for the helpful input, and a very nice compliment! πŸ˜€


  2. The point is well made, and now I am a bit more awake, maybe I meant more – since you are such an eloquent writer that you did yourself an injustice in relaying that transition. Not sure if I am helping lol but I felt I hadn’t made myself as clear as I perhaps should have. But as I re read I probably need more sleep. Funny how our heads can work often. Good luck with this project.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Duly noted πŸ™‚ It is indeed very interesting feedback as we’re all different, and hearing how others perceive and experience the writings is very helpful, especially in the beginning!

      And in general with this book, and with this style (that I really love exploring/feels natural as one type of expression), it might at times be very dense in each paragraph, and could almost border on poetry in terms of “contents pr. sentence”.. it could at times require very slow reading and a peaceful and calm mind.

      But that is also part of the intention of this book, to after a while create a mental and emotional state of peace for the reader, and then try to fill it with beauty and positive reflections about life.
      A bit high bar perhaps!

      Anyways thanks again, for the compliments!


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